Al Jardine and His Band - Live Action Heroes

Pictured: Beach Boys afficianado Les Chan, Al Jardine, Stevie Heger and the nicest guy on the planet - Carl Mindling
Al Jardine and his band(Live Action Heroes)
Chamisal Tennis and Fitness Club
Monterey, California
August 19th, 2006
This was a private function event for the members of the Chamisal Tennis and Fitness Club’s 30th anniversary in Monterey. A stage with lighting was set up on a tennis court and a three camera video crew recorded the show.
Starting at 2p.m. was Santa Cruz based band The Hot Rods.
The Monterey/Santa Cruz area band Live Action Heroes followed next. Al joined the popular cover dance band, Live Action Heroes, at the end of their one hour set. He played a short but spirited rockin’set. Al was in very good spirits and in excellent shape vocally. Live Action Heroes faithfully backed Al on these tunes and it was really wonderful to hear “California Saga: California” included in the set. There were cheers from the 500 plus throng sunburned members when Monterey and Salinas were mentioned in the lyrics. It was a good day of fun for everyone! A guitar signed by Al was given to the winner of the “Wipe Out” drumming contest during Live Action Heroes’ audience participation number. Stevie Heger is also the leader of his own band, Hey Stevie. Check out for the latest news on his forthcoming
DVD release.
The band:
Al Jardine (vocals and guitar)
Stevie Heger (vocals/drums/percussion)
Luana Pedota (vocals)
Scott Slaughter (vocals,keysboards)
Mike Shannon (percussion/drums)
Dave Byron (guitar)
Gary Regina (sax)
Bob Langford (bass)
California Dreamin’
California Saga: California
Sail On Sailor( Stevie Heger handled lead vocals)
Sloop John B
Help Me Rhonda
Surfin USA
Fun Fun Fun
Surf's Up Forever
Les in San Francisco
Posted by Les Chan
August 21, 2006 at 09:18:16 AM
Check out the official website for Al Jardine
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