Ricky Bobby Fun at the Movies

The Time Machine

July 29, 2006 3:47 PM
Sasha...it's official...we are both movie theater geeks who really should be banned from having a camera anywhere near us.

:) Michael

Jul 29, 2006 2:21 PM
I'm so jealous you had a camera! Haha I had to use my cell phone!
I'm being good this time around, I got my wisdom teeth pulled so crazy Sasha is kinda more like puffy sasha this trip :(

7/30/2006 7:47 AM
lol, Hilarious picture. Was the movie good?
The Time Machine

7/29/2006 4:15 PM
It looks like Sasha isn't the only one who goes "slightly mental" in the cinema lobby. This was not planned! Honest promise!
Next Switching of Theaters - "Clerks II",
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